About Salem


City of Salem Aerial Tour – click on the link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aKudCiv1Yk 

Whether this is your first trip to Salem or you are a return visitor, we are glad you are here and hope you enjoy your stay. Salem is home to beautiful Bryan Memorial Park, named for William Jennings Bryan who was born here in 1860. Located on North Broadway (Route 37), the park has a public swimming pool,skateboard park, tennis courts, picnic and playground sites. In recent years our beautiful nature trails have been expanded and you can enjoy a scenic stroll around the park.

When your community comes together great things can happen! Coming to Bryan Memorial Park in 2020 will be Addy & Friends Inclusive Playgound. The All Inclusive Playground in Salem has received over $250,000 in donations and The Illinois Department of Natural Resources has announced both Salem and Wamac have been awarded grants for park improvements.

Salem’s $210,700 OSLAD grant will complete funding for the Addy and Friends Inclusive Playground in Bryan Memorial Park as well as other park enhancements.

In addition to these attractions, Salem has many unique shops for you to explore. We encourage you to visit our Chamber Businesses and mention that you learned about them from the website.

Salem also has a local radio station that carries the area’s best news, sports and local weather and many other community features.  In addition the City of Salem has a informational website for residents and visitors. https://www.salemil.us/

Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce